Mars 2023
Februari 2023
19 Februari 2023 - 19:52
Rainbow 6 siege update
FIXED – Players can navigate onto the top of the fridge on Bank map.
FIXED – Aruni’s Surya Gate does not deploy on the door that leads to 1F Tellers’ Office on Bank map.
FIXED – Operator floats and shakes when positioned between the trash bags and concrete ramp on Bank map.
FIXED – Deployment animation is no longer available if the barricade animation is canceled on the door that is west of 1F Teller’s Office on Bank map.
FIXED – EXT location on Bank map that’s normally inaccessible can be accessed by players.
FIXED – Environmental destruction does not occur around indestructible assets.
FIXED – Multiple lighting issues on various maps.
FIXED – Multiple clipping, collision, destruction, and asset issues on various maps.
FIXED – Exploitable gaps on various maps.
FIXED – Various defuser planting and retrieval issues in specific areas on maps.
FIXED – Multiple LOD and LOS issues on various maps.
FIXED – Health bars of spotted opponents are visible in HUD.
FIXED – Death Replay camera is offset if player is eliminated by an electrified wall.
FIXED – Players don’t receive Kill score if they are eliminated after they DBNO an opponent and a teammate finishes the opponent.
FIXED – Defenders can exit onto Skyscraper scaffolding without being detected.
FIXED – Operator first-person view shifts downwards when players lean right while rappelling.
FIXED – Revive animation isn’t canceled when players fall through a hatch while reviving a teammate.
FIXED – Battle Pass reward system is not functional for all game modes and completing a match results in an infinite error message.
FIXED – Reinforcing a partially damaged hatch does not destroy the original wooden surface.
FIXED – Windows cursor remains stuck on screen, blocking camera movement.
Increased XP and Renown gain in Ranked and Unranked by 15% to match other PVP playlists.
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